[운영진] 신효건



예원학교 졸업  

서울예술고등학교 졸업

서울대학교 음악대학 기악과 졸업 

파리 국립음악원 최고연주자과정 심사위원 만장일치 졸업 

파리 에꼴노르말음악원 최고연주자과정 수석 졸업 

프랑스 Flame 국제 콩쿠르 2위, Claude Kahn 국제 콩쿠르 3위, Epinal 국제 콩쿠르 Medalist 

미국 Oberlin 국제 콩쿠르 4위, 이화 경향 음악콩쿠르 1

금호 영재 콘서트금호 영아티스트 독주회, 파리 l’Espace Bernanos, Salle Munch, Salle Cortot 초청 독주회 

스톰프 뮤직 매니지먼트 호로비츠를 위하여’ 전국 순회공연, 라움 아트센터 ‘Salon de Chopin’ 마티네 콘서트

LYUM Hall 쇼팽 발라드 전곡라벨 거울 모음곡 전곡 독주회, Salle Gaveau, Pruis Hall, Centro Cultural de Los Cristianos, 

Kiosque de la Pépinière, 롯데콘서트홀예술의전당영산아트홀모차르트홀세종문화회관 등 

국내외 주요 공연장에서 피아노 트리오독주 및 합주 다수 공연

서울오케스트라루마니안 오케스트라 협연,  KBS 예썰의 전당 프로그램 연주 출연, EBS FM 정경의 11시 클래식 출연


) Mage Production 메이지 프로덕션 기획사 전속 아티스트, 

     Salon de Chopin 살롱 드 쇼팽 유튜브 채널 진행자,

     Lucid Trio 루시드 트리오 멤버 


Hyo-Geon Shin  



Born in 1990 in South Korea, Shin Hyo-Geon graduated from Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, and Seoul National University College of Music with excellent grades.


Hyo-Geon attended Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris in 2009, and studied under Professor Henri Barda. He graduated with honors from le Diplôme Supérieure Concertiste in 2013 and from le Diplôme Supérieure dExécutionin 2011 with unanimous judges. After that, Hyo-Geon entered Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris, studying under Professor Olivier Gardon. He graduated from le Diplôme Concertiste with unanimous judges in 2014. He has now returned to South Korea and is currently attending a Ph.D. program at Seoul National University.


Hyo-Geon has been awarded prizes from various international competitions. :

Epinal International Piano Competition (Semi Finalist, 2015), FLAME Competition (2nd prize, 2013), Claude Kahn Competition (3rd prize, 2013), Ehwa and Kyung-Hyang Competition (1er prize, 2005), Oberlin International Piano Competition (4th prize, 2004).


He had a recital at la Salle Munch, IEspace Bernanos and he has played at la Salle Gaveau, Salle Cortot, in France. He played piano solo at the request of composer Jean-Louis Mansart (1954-), at the Cantus Formus concert of contemporary French composers. He played at the invitation of Airbus & Asiana in Toulouse, France, and toured the country under the theme of "For Horowitz" hosted by the Stomp Music Agency. He has played with Romanian National Radio Chamber Orchestra, Seoul Orchestra. He had a recital the Young Artist and Prodigy series at Kumho Art Hall in South Korea. In addition, he established himself by playing solo, concerted and piano trio at major domestic and international venues, including Pruis Hall, Centro Cultural de Los Christianos, Kiosque de la Pépinière, the Arts Center, Lotte Concert Hall, Youngsan Art Hall, and Mozart Hall.


In addition, Wiener Music Seminar International Master Class, Academy 'Y' Festival International de Music Arona, Niagara International Chamber Music Festival, Spain Tenerife International Music Festival, ARIA International Summer Festival & Academy, European Music Festival, Festival, Festival, Festival, Nice, Académies internationales d'été du Grand Nancy, etc He participated in and played in many music festivals and pioneered his own territory.


Pianist Shin Hyo-Geon, who studied Shin Soo-jung, Park Jong-hwa, Ahn Young-shin, Baek Hye-sun, Choi Seung-hye, Song Hye-won, Henri Barda, Jacques Rouvier, and Olivier Gardon, is currently attending a Ph.D. program at Seoul National University. He also continues his active performance as a member of the Mage Production agency.